tasty corn pudding recipe

Corn puddings including one type that many of its enthusiasts. The taste and aroma of corn mixed with corn pudding texture is soft and melted in the mouth.

For some people the corn pudding can provide beautiful memories of the past, considering it includes recipes pudding is old school, but remain attractive until now. But the air is different from regular corn pudding, this pudding made with simple and not filtered before grated corn, so the texture was deliberately made not soft. This recipe does not use jelly. But if you want his pudding sturdy, you may add them to the recipe

some sweet corn
1 piece of coconut milk
1/2 cup granulated sugar to taste
300 cc of water
A little salt

How to make.
1. Grate sweet corn, because the shredded it feels different to that in the blender.
2. Combine all ingredients in a saucepan.
3. Cook the mixture over medium heat, stirring constantly until the mixture thickens
4. Enter the pudding into the cup. Wait until cool, then put in the fridge.


After a cold and hard texture, corn pudding ready to eat and enjoy with the family.

good luck

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