This Is What Happens When A Man Makes Love To A Pregnant Woman!!!

Have you ever thought about whether is conceivable a man to jab the infant in its mind with the tip of his p*nis while he's having s*x with the pregnant lady?

Before we answer you this question with "yes" or "no", we will compose a few sentences about life structures.

In particular, the developing child is in the uterus, and it is drifting inside amniotic sac loaded with amniotic liquid.

Moreover, the uterus is secured by cervix, which is unbending hindrance to the v*gina. Through the span of the pregnancy is gradually is opening. Mention that the birth channel is 3 – 7 crawls long, which relies on upon the lady's condition of aro'usal.

Underneath you can see ultrasound picture with a genuine p*nis inside a lady who is 6 months pregnant. At the photo, over the p*nis there is white hued range and that is the cervix. Past the cervix is put the uterus, amniotic sac and child. At the photo you can see that the course of the p*nis is down.

In this manner, amid s*x, the p*nis splendidly fits in a space underneath the cervix and uterus.Now, what is the conclusion? It is conceivable to jab the infant in the head amid s*x with the tip of p*nis?

NO. That is unrealistic, and the purpose behind that will be that the infant is ensured behind the inflexible cervix, uterus and the amniotic liquid.

Despite the fact that…

In any case, really it is conceivable to "jar" the child. How?

To be specific, paying little mind to the p*nis' length, a man can tenderly shake or push the infant. It is critical to specify that such bump the infant would involvement on the off chance that if the pregnant lady went to keep running up an arrangement of stairs or in the event that she works out.

At the photograph you can see that is entirely feasible for the pole of the p*nis to "look over against" the cervix, which really will "jar" the substance of the amniotic sac and thusly will "jar" the developing infant.


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