Efficacy and benefits of cucumber

Cucumber has a scientific name Cucumis sativus. Containing 0.65% protein, 0.1% fat and carbohydrates as much as 2.2%. It also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin C.

Efficacy and benefits of cucumber

1. Eliminate acne scars
Take the end of the fruit mentimum along approximately 5 cm, and scar. Take turmeric for the thumb, then ground and take water. Turmeric water was mixed into the already shredded mentimum it. Then sapukanlah to face. Do it every day until the spots disappear. Alternatively, you can use homemade toner spray. The trick, grate one cucumber peeled. Strain and take water, mix with two teaspoons of honey. Then fill the mixture into a spray bottle equipped Laat. Spray into your face twice daily.

2. Help you lose weight
Because the fruit is low in calories and rich in water content, cucumber is an ideal food for people who are in the process of losing weight.

3. Prevent Dehydration
Cucumbers are rich in water content, which is 95% of the meat section of the fruit contains water, but with nutrients nutrition refresh and restore the body's electrolyte.

4. Diuretics
As a natural diuretic, cucumber mamapu pushing out waste products from the body through urination. Daily consumption of cucumber helps to dissolve impurities in the bladder or kidney stones.

5. Energy
They are a good source of B vitamins and carbohydrates that can provide quick energy when needed

6. Skin Care
A high water content, antioxidants, and minerals such as magnesium, potassium silica makes cucumbers are an important part of skin care. Face masks containing cucumber juice can be used to tighten the skin. Ascorbic acid and caffeic acid in the cucumber can reduce the level of water retention, reduce dark circles and puffiness in the eye area. Cucumber skin can also take care of the skin caused by sunburn or skin rough situation because of polluted air.

7. Against Cancer
Cucumber is known to contain lariciresinol, pinoresinol, and secoisolariciresinol associated with a reduced risk of some cancers.

8. Control your blood pressure
Cucumber juice contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, fiber, and phytonutrients that work effectively to regulate blood pressure.

9. Reduce Cellulite
Try rub a cucumber slice along your skin are problematic for several minutes, the phytochemicals in the cucumber cause the collagen in your skin to tighten, firming up the outer layer and reducing the visibility of cellulite immediately. Helping to fight wrinkles as well.

10. Stimulate Hair Growth
Cucumber contains silicon and sulfur, if consumed with cucumber routine can help stimulate the growth of healthy hair. For best results, mix cucumber juice with carrot juice, lettuce or spinach.

11. Controlling appetite
Cucumbers are filling / filling, yet low in calories. Historically, the cucumber has been used for centuries by merchants and European explorers as fast food is a practical yet nutritious and prevent starvation.

12. Teeth and gums healthy
Cucumber is a good source of fiber. Eating / chewing cucumber routinely able to maintain healthy teeth and gums.

13. Natural Aromatherapy / relax
Thin slices of cucumber and place in a bowl of boiling water. Chemicals and nutrients from the cucumber will react with the boiling water which generates steam and creates a soothing aroma, making sense of relax.

14. Removal of bad breath (Halitosis control)
Take a slice of cucumber and press it to your palate with your tongue for 30 seconds to eliminate bad breath. Phytochemicals contained in the cucumber will kill the bacteria in your mouth that cause bad breath.

15. Streamlining metabolism
water content and high fiber in the cucumber is very effective in expel toxins from the digestive system. Daily consumption of cucumbers useful as a drug for chronic constipation.

16. Improving the health of joints / connective tissue
Cucumbers are a good source of silica, which is known to help improve joint health by strengthening connective tissue.

17. Treating tapeworms
Cucumber seeds are used as a natural remedy to treat tapeworms. Cucumber seeds are crushed and mixed with water is also effective in the treatment of swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat.

18. Nail Care
the silica content in cucumbers also help prevent breakages / nail brittleness, so take care of your fingernails and feet.

19. Relieve rheumatism and arthritis pain
Cucumber is rich in vitamin A, B1, B6, C and D, Folate, Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium. When mixed with carrot juice, they can relieve rheumatism and arthritis pain by lowering uric acid levels.

20. To help cope with diabetes
Cucumber contains substances needed by cells of the pancreas to produce insulin.

21. Reduce Cholesterol
Researchers have found that the plant sterols in cucumbers help reduce cholesterol levels.

22. Irregular menstruation
Finely minced 10 leaves cocor duck, five fingers gourds, 5 pieces majakan, 1 cucumber, srep dadap 10 leaves, 10 leaves sambaing plug, water add salt to taste. Then rubbed into the abdomen, and dressing. Do it twice a day.

23. Fever
Cucumbers can also be used to compress the time you or your child fever. Needless to add ice, because the cucumber has given the cold needed to cool the body heat due to fever.

24. Scabies
Fresh cucumber juice and useful for health, it can also treat the skin of scabies. No wonder that serve as a cucumber face mask, because in addition to moisturizing, cucumber helps the skin to be smooth and seamless.

25. Treating thrush
Eating raw cucumber fruit as a snack, do regularly every day.

26. Addressing the swelling around the eyes
Puffy eyes due to sleep too late or eye fatigue due to working at the computer for too long. The trick, thin slices of cucumber and place in both eyes, done while lying down for 15 minutes. Then rinse.

27. Eliminates body odor
The trick, wash a young cucumber, thinly sliced, then rub or rub on the body smelled. Alternatively, grated cucumber, then compresses the armpits with the grater. Let stand for approximately 10-15 minutes, then remove. Do this after a shower.

28. Reduce the pain when a headache
Eat a few cucumber slices before bed to relieve headaches. Cucumber contains natural sugar, sugar B vitamins and electrolytes to replenish essential nutrients and reduce the intensity of headaches.

29. Detoksiifikasi and Uric Acid
Other benefits cucumber can help detoxification. The water content of the lots may help facilitate urination and neutralize toxins (poisons). Water and mineral content of potassium in cucumber helps remove excess uric acid and metabolic wastes through the kidneys. Excess uric acid in the blood will form crystals that accumulate in the joints that can lead to arthritis pain. While metabolic waste in the form of mineral salts that accumulate in the urinary tract can trigger the formation of kidney stones. Consumption of cucumber can help shed crystals or kidney stones and prevent the buildup of toxins.

30. Odor neutralization Amis Food On Hand
If after consuming food that smells fishy with his hands, how to quickly neutralize the smell is to squeeze cucumber by hand, rinse with water.

31. Relieve Digestive Problems
Cucumber juice consumption can help alleviate a variety of diseases associated with the digestive acidity such as gastritis, ulcers, and even stomach ulcers. The fiber content in cucumbers can help improve digestion and eliminate toxins from the digestive system.

32. Treating toothache and gum
Cucumber juice can also help treat diseases of the mouth of the teeth and gums. Consuming raw cucumber can help increase saliva production, it also serves to neutralize the acid and alkaline in the oral cavity.

33. Nursing homes
Rubbing mirrors or glass windows with cucumber can overcome foggy mirror so that you can reduce the use of chemicals that are harmful to health to clean the house.

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