Good Nutrition to Fight Cancer

Carrots are beneficial not only improve visual function. Various studies show that carrot might become potential therapy for cancer.

Nutrients contained in carrots is believed to relieve and improve the condition of patients with cancer.

To be more easily consumed, usually presented in the form of carrot juice. Carrots are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and other substances that are important for health.

These vegetables contain vitamin A, C, D, E, K, B1, B6, along with beta carotene, iron, calcium, sulfur, copper, chlorine, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium. Each vitamin and mineral plays a role in fighting cancer.

Nutrition Carrots to Fight Cancer

Here are a variety of nutrients that are useful carrot fight against cancer:

1. Vitamin E

The content of carrots that are effective against cancer is vitamin E that has three chemical forms - alpha, beta and gamma tocopherol.

All forms are referred to as vitamin E complex. According to one study, vitamin E is essential for maintaining cell growth and division in order to remain healthy tissue.

Experiments in the laboratory showed that the cancerous tissue is not able to grow when placed in the blood serum loaded with vitamin E.

In addition, vitamin E is also known to boost immunity and strength that will help fight cancer.

2. Vitamin A

The content of vitamin A in woortel already so well known. Vitamin A is known to improve eye health.

200 grams of carrot juice is known to have 50,000 units or more vitamin A.

Vitamin A is also known to help cancer treatment. A dietitian is said to cure a woman suffering from stomach cancer only with carrot juice.

3. Beta Carotene

Carrot juice can prevent breast cancer and skin cancer because they contain beta carotene.

Beta carotene is a powerful antioxidant that removes free radicals from the body.

This substance is also effective in preventing cell degeneration that occurs in the body and is able to fight cancer-causing carcinogens.

4. falcarinol

The carrot advantages due to the content of falcarinol. This antioxidant stimulates the body to be able to face the attack of free radicals, including those that have caused cancer.

other nutrients

Other nutrients such as vitamin B and C on the useful carrot juice known to accelerate metabolism, improve the health of teeth and bones, strengthen the immune system, improves digestion, improves vision, mempromosiakan beautiful skin, and others.

How to Consume

To get the health benefits of carrots for the body suggested cooking with boiled or steamed. Either way, it allows the nutrients in it are not easily broken. Steamed carrots, for example, contains antiokasidan 34.3 percent higher than raw carrots. This is in line with the results of the study Prof Luke Howard of the University of Arkansas.

In its findings, the carrots were steamed its antioxidant content increases. Increasing it has a score of peak until one week later, the antioxidant score will go down. However, boiled carrots antioxidant value remains higher than that of crude.

It is triggered by the release of beta-carotene from carrot fibers through a cooking process is fast. Beta-carotene is already out of the fiber is more easily absorbed by the body.

So, simply by eating carrots 4, 5 times a week, we've been able to cut the cancer risk by 50 percent, according to the facts found in studies in England in 2001 contained in the International Journal of Cancer

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