Disease But Not The Disease: Alergy

Allergies are an abnormal response of the immune system. People who have allergies have immune systems that react to a substance that is normally harmless in the environment. This substance (pollen mold, animal dander, and many others) are called allergens. Someone said to have allergies if their immune system reacts abnormally to a substance that does not cause effects for most people.

Symptoms - Common Symptoms In Allergy Sufferers

In the respiratory system. On the respiratory allergy symptoms are cough, runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, shortness of breath, wheezing sound, nosebleeds, earaches, ear redness, itchy throat san shortness of breath.
In the digestive system. Symptoms of allergies occur to the digestive system: abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, bloating and frequent fart.
On the skin. Symptoms of allergic skin can be itchy, red skin spots, thickened skin, eczema, skin becomes bluish / black, lips became swollen.
On the eye. Allergy symptoms in the eye are: itchy eyes, red eyes, watery eyes, eye belekan, blackish color under the eyes, stye.
Causes Allergies

Genetic factors are of offspring
Dietary factors (such as milk, eggs, shrimp, fish, nuts)
Physical factors (fatigue, stress)
Environmental factors (house dust, mold spores, pollen, fumes, drugs, cigarette smoke, paint fumes)
Weather conditions (hot air, moist air, climate change)
Insects (such as ants, mosquitoes, wasps, caterpillars)
The severity of allergic reactions vary:

Mild symptoms may not be so obvious, just makes you feel a little bit,
While symptoms can make you feel sick, as if you got the flu or even a cold.
Severe severe reactions, allergies very uncomfortable, even paralyzing.
Most symptoms of allergic reactions go away shortly after exposure stops.

The most severe allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. In anaphylaxis, the allergens causing allergic reactions throughout the body which may include:

Itching and itching all over (not just in open areas)
Wheezing or shortness of breath
Hoarseness or tightness in the throat
Tingling in hands, feet, lips or scalp
Anaphylaxis can be life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention. Symptoms may develop rapidly, and it needs to be taken to the emergency room.

Does Everyone Have Allergies?

Not everyone has allergies. People inherit a tendency to be allergic, although not referring to a specific allergen. When one parent is allergic, their child has a 50% chance to have allergies. the risk jumps to 75% if both parents have allergies.
How to Prevent and Overcome Allergies

Note Airflow
Keep the indoor air free of allergens that can help relieve your nasal allergic reactions. Installing special air filter in the air conditioning system can eliminate 90% to 95% of the particles from the air in your room. Close doors and windows when the pollen counts or high smoke outdoors can help keep other allergens do not enter your home

Consider Alternative Therapies
Although the results are still contradictory, some people find certain herbs and supplements to help relieve seasonal allergies. One of the best evidence is that of Butterbur or petasites some research suggests may help reduce the symptoms of nasal allergies. Other studies have shown Butterbur can work well as an antihistamine in some people. This plant grows only in areas north of the equator, mostly in America and Europe and has been created in the form of a pill. Can be purchased online.

Eliminate Allergens
Every time you finished traveling and returning home, you bring the particles from the outside world. After being outdoors, then the dress, shoes, hair, and skin covered with small particles of the places you visit. With a shower and change clothes then you will be able to remove allergens. Take your shoes off at the door will help keep allergens do not enter your home.

Increase your Vitamin D
Many studies show that vitamin D deficiency may cause allergy or make allergies worse. If you have allergies, try to get at least 200 IU of vitamin D every day. Sources of vitamin D are fish oils and fatty fish, such as tuna and salmon, or supplements if you can not get vitamin D from your diet. Although you can get vitamin D from the sun, you should wear a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15, which can block vitamin D and UV light.

Use Masks
Masks can prevent allergens entering the respiratory tract when you can not avoid certain allergy triggers, such as when you're cutting, sweeping, or cleaning. N95 respirator masks, which are widely available in drugstores and medical equipment, will be able to block 95% of small particles, such as pollen and other allergens.

Eating with Healthy Eating
One study found that children who eat a diet rich in fresh vegetables, fruits, and nuts, particularly grapes, apples, oranges, and tomatoes, have fewer allergy symptoms. While researchers continue to find out the relationship between diet and nasal allergies, it is generally known that eating a healthy diet has many benefits for the body. As an initial step. try adding at least one fresh fruit and vegetables at every meal.

Use Nasal Rinse
Rinse nose clear mucus from your nose and can help relieve nasal allergy symptoms. It can also washes the bacteria, mucus thinner and help mengurangipostnasal drip. Buy the rinse or make use Neti pot or nasal bulb. Mix 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 with a pinch of baking soda in 8 ounces of warm water. Then bent over the sink, flush with a gentle one nostril while keeping the other nostril closed and let the liquid drain. Do the same for the other nostril.

Drinking More Fluids
If you feel claustrophobic or have postnasal drip from allergies, try to drink more water, juice or other liquids. Drinking extra fluids can help thin the mucus in your nose and may relieve tightness. Hot liquids, like tea, broth or soup, can be soothing because there are additional benefits of steam.
Learn How to Clean Safe
Keeping your home clean is one of the best ways to avoid allergens from indoor. However cleaning with heavy chemicals can aggravate allergies and trigger allergy symptoms. Try cleaning with common household products like vinegar or baking soda. And use a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter to capture allergens. If your allergies are severe, you should ask someone else to do the cleaning.

Try Steam Heat
Inhaling steam is a simple way to reduce discomfort may relieve nasal congestion and breathing when you have allergies. Prepare a bowl of hot water and then point to head over the bowl with a towel over your head to keep the steam to keep it out. Or sit in the bathroom with a hot shower on. You can use hot steam multiple times a day to relieve allergy symptoms.

Avoid Smoke and Smoke More
Cigarette smoke can aggravate your allergy symptoms, aggravate nasal congestion and watery eyes. If you smoke, stop and ask others in your home to stop smoking. Try to avoid places where people smoke, choosing a restaurant, nightclub and hotel rooms are non-smoking. Better also to avoid other smoke can exacerbate allergic symptoms, such as aerosol sprays and smoke from wood-burning fireplace.

Plan To Exercise
When exercising you may be hard to breathe and breathe heavier than when you, say watching TV. With inhale more air when you inhale, then pollen and spores in the air will also be more exploited. Then it is better to exercise indoors, to avoid the occurrence of allergies where the amount of pollen and spores are formed out. But if you prefer to exercise outside, try to minimize your allergy symptoms. by taking an antihistamine before exercising. choose the path of least contain allergens, such as trees and grasses.
The smoke from the exhaust can aggravate allergy symptoms, said Malcolm N. Blumenthal, MD, director of the Asthma and Allergy Program at the University of Minnesota Medical School in Minneapolis.

Beware Not Seasonal Allergies
Animal dander and dust mites can also be a potential allergen, Beware floor of carpets, rugs, blankets and curtains, which is the best habitat for dust mites. Washing carpets, bedding and curtains in hot water (over 80 ° C) to kill mites.
For room inside Use a dehumidifier to dry out your basement, and use Exhaust fan in areas that are susceptible to moisture and fungus, such as kitchens and bathrooms. Wash the bathroom regularly, and not too much fished (pot plants) around the house.

Use Clothes With Natural Ingredients
Avoid clothing made from synthetic materials such as polyester, who would have thought that when synthetic fabrics rub against one another, they create an electrical charge to attract pollen was also electrically charged, said Gailen D. Marshall, MD, PhD, director of clinical immunology and allergy at the University of Mississippi.
Natural fibers such as cotton material good for breathing, they remain dry where the fungus can not breed well

Like Gardening?
The best way to handle the yard work is done others. antihistamines or cromolyn sodium drink about half an hour before gardening, wear a mask when gardening. Consider planting a tree that does not produce a lot of pollen as light as apple, cherry trees and azaleas, they produce pollen wax that is too heavy for the wind.

Wash Your Body
When you're outside, pollen and fungal spores can be settled to the hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, and your skin. wash or wash up after traveling out of the house, this is also true for your pet
Drink Green Tea
A cup of green tea can prevent heart disease, cancer, and immune to allergies as well.
Japanese study found that EGCG, the antioxidant compounds are abundant in green tea, can help stop your body's response to various allergies, including pollen, pet dander, and dust. Steeping two or three cups a day of green tea helps strengthen the body's defenses, said Lester A. Mitscher, PhD, a professor of medicinal chemistry at the University of Kansas and author of The Green Tea Book: China's Fountain of Youth.

Perform Yoga Regularly
"Stress can raise inflammation, which can increase your body's allergic response," said Tina Sindwani, MD, clinical assistant professor of medicine at the University of California at San Francisco. "Yoga is proven effective in reducing stress, so it can bring relief. In addition, various breathing techniques of yoga can help open the airways better, and certain poses can expand the lungs. "

Search Know Your Allergy Triggers
This may sound simple, but to avoid triggers, then first of all you need to know what the trigger. Louisville pediatric allergist James Sublett, MD said: "I've heard people get rid of their beloved pet and later learned that the pet does not cause allergies." Therefore, make an appointment with an allergist to perform skin allergy tests. The skin allergy test can help find your allergy triggers.

(From various sources)

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