Food neutralization Nicotine For Passive Smokers

Nicotine is a chemical found in tobacco leaves. Nicotine is a potent nerve poison substances or nerve toxin used efficacious drug manufacturers insect killers. Substance is what makes some active smokers addicted. Nicotine in the blood will not really disappear even though the smokers had stopped. The time required to years to fully clean of nicotine.

How do I neutralize nicotine for passive smokers, ie those who do not smoke but are exposed and often inhale cigarette smoke contain nicotine? Because according to a study revealed that nicotine is concentrated in passive smoker's body three times higher than in the body of active smokers.

Apparently a lot of healthy food that is medically proven to help cleanse the blood of nicotine. Below are six foods neutralizing nicotine in the blood, namely:

1. Pomegranate

This juicy pomegranates are popular with high anti-oxidant. Pomegranates will be able to increase the blood flow and the number of some blood cells in the body and is very efficient to wash the nicotine in the blood.

2. Kiwi

When you inhale cigarette smoke, you will lose very many vitamins, the reason why the skin several active and passive smokers seem unhealthy. Kiwi fruit contains so many vitamins A, C and E, which is to help neutralize nicotine on the body. Remember, secondhand smoke also can lead to heart attacks, with the consumption of kiwi fruit that has a high anti-oxidant content so your heart health will be awakened.

 3. Oranges

It is no secret, the content of vitamin C in oranges in the know are very high. With consumption of oranges, so the body's metabolism will be awakened and the amount of stress will naturally decrease, until the effect of nicotine will be easily neutralized. Water from lime has many benefits, such as reducing the level of nicotine in cigarette smoke that are at 70.65%.

 4. Carrots

Nicotine from a cigarette will persist in the blood throughout the three days. Carrots are rich in vitamin A, C, K, and B are efficient against nicotine on the body and fight against dull skin caused by smoking.

 5. Broccoli

Such as oranges, broccoli also contains a lot of vitamin C and B5. With daily consumption of broccoli so the concentration of nicotine in the blood would be unraveled.

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6. Green leafy vegetables

Substance chlorophyll in green vegetables can be proven to contain many contain vitamins and folic acid. Vegetables such as spinach can be proven effective to help neutralize the concentration of nicotine in the body.

 7. Berries

Fruits such as strawberries are very effective help remove harmful toxins in the body. Including nicotine.

8. Water clear

Exposure to nicotine in the body can cause dehydration. Therefore, those who actively smoke or live in environments with smoke, should not underestimate the importance of drinking enough water intake every day.

9. Garlic

As one meal detoxification, garlic has many benefits. Garlic works to clean and lose fat in the blood, has particularly antibiotic properties and may help boost the immune system. Besides garlic can stimulate the production of detoxification enzymes in the liver, which is in charge of filtering residues of toxins caused by smoking.

10. Green Tea

Drinking green tea is recommended for passive smokers as a natural cleanser of toxins in the green tubuh.Teh loaded with antioxidants, especially catechins, which may help improve liver function. In addition to cleanse toxins from the body, green tea is also believed to reduce kadarkolesterol and reduce inflammation.

11. Seafood

Seafood is a food rich in omega 3 is beneficial for lung health. Omega 3 found in seafood are able to improve the function of the lungs, so that when the lungs are damaged because of cigarette smoke that you breathe, eat seafood consume it. Foods containing omega 3 such as salmon, anchovies, tuna, sardines, crabs, clams, lobster, shrimp and others

12. Soybeans

If you feel shortness of breath as a result of cigarette smoke that you breathe, then eat the food or beverage made from soybeans. The benefits of soy can improve lung function and relieve your chronic breathing difficulties. Soybeans contain flavonoids, which will serve as an anti inflammation in the lungs, as well as keep your lungs from toxins in cigarette smoke that you breathe.

13. Vitamin C

According to research passive smokers experienced erosion of vitamin E are very serious, passive smokers has decreased vitamin E up to 45%. And as we all know Vitamin E functions as an antioxidant fighting free radicals increase in the body perokokpasif. Menyebabjan free radical damage to cells in the membrane of the lungs and other layers. But the good news for you studies show vitamin C can prevent erosion of vitamin E.

Researchers at Oregon State University found that consuming 1,000 mg of vitamin C per day could protect against loss of Vitamin E. Taking vitamin C and E can help the body fight against the damage caused by the nicotine in addition, both vitamin terxsebut can also work together in to strengthen the body's immune system.

The weakening of the immune system caused by nicotine may lead to increased illness and serious health problems (heart disease), therefore, fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C (broccoli, oranges, strawberries, etc.) and foods rich in vitamin E (eggs, cereal grains, etc.) mandatory for you smokers either active or passive.

14. Vitamin A

In addition to vitamin E passive smokers also lose vitamin A that should be in charge of protecting the lungs from infection. Consuming vitamin A may help you avoid damage to the lungs that can lead to cancer, but not until there are more studies (American Cancer Society) found that the passive smokers who are deficient in vitamin A have a cancer risk three times greater when compared with smokers passive fulfilled its vitamin A content.

Apart true or not vitamin A can protect passive smokers from lung damage, provides your body with vitamins can improve your health and reduce the adverse effects caused by smoking. Vitamin A can be obtained from milk-based products (cheese, butter, butter) and eggs.

(From various sources)

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