The Risk Of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a progressive decrease in bone density so that bones become brittle and break easily. Bone is composed of minerals such as calcium and phosphate so that bones become hard and solid. If the body is unable to regulate the mineral content in the bones, then to the bones become less dense and fragile, so it came to pass osteoporosis.

The osteoporosis term was coined by Johann Lobstein around the beginning of the 19th century, but he described the possible disruption of osteogenesis imperfecta. In 1940, American physician and endocrinologist Fuller Albright describe postmenopausal osteoporosis and suggest that it is a consequence of disturbed bone formation due to estrogen deficiency.

Approximately 80% of patients the disease osteoporosis are women, including young women who experience sikluas cessation of menstruation (amenorrhea). The loss of estrogen after menopause increases the risk of osteoporosis. Thus it can be said that this is a specific disease osteoporosis women, though some men, especially those who are elderly, also have the same risk. However, once again the volume of males are smaller than females. This is caused by the hormone estrogen which then causes the difference between the two in an attack or cure osteoporosis risk osteoporosis.cara

Osteoporosis is not just a disease that can lead to loss of bone density, but it is a disease that can cause a reduction in the amount of bone tissue and abnormal structure or form microscopic tualng. The quality and quantity of abnormal bone that makes bones weak and easily broken, even when subjected to minor trauma.

Read Also: Some Food Sources of Calcium for Preventing and Treating Osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis can be characterized by malfunction of the bone that is similar to the process of the development of heart failure after years of suffering from high blood pressure that is uncontrolled. There is no documented evidence that states that bone loss or reduction of bone tissue which is then accompanied by fractures associated with pain or other symptoms.

Many risk factors associated with osteoporosis. Here are the most common:

Age: In postmenopausal women, fracture risk rises with age. Both men and women aged 70 and older have an increased risk of fracture.
Female gender: Osteoporosis six times more common in women than in men. In addition, osteoporosis begins early and tend to be more severe in women.
Weight loss: People with low body mass has a bone mineral density is lower. Obesity reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
Inactive lifestyle, a lot of sitting.
genetic factors
previous fracture
Drugs and supplements: vitamin A, heparin, antacids containing aluminum, and medroxyprogesterone increases the risk, while thiazide diuretics, estrogen, and androgen protective.
Frequent consumption of alcohol
early menopause
Calcium or vitamin D deficiency
Dietary factors
Avoid caffeinated beverages (coffee or tea) or foods that can remove calcium such as red meat.

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