Some Food Sources of Calcium for Preventing and Treating Osteoporosis.

1. Carrots. Carrots are rich in alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and betacryptoxanthin good for maintaining bone strength. Rinse carrots and eat in a state still raw. Raw carrots have better benefits than the already cooked. You can also eat carrots as a mixed salad.

2. Milk and milk products such as cheese, yogurt or skim milk consumption is mandatory for those who do not want osteoporosis. Because in these foods contained calcium and proteins that strengthen and nourish the bones.

3. Nuts. Do not be lazy eating peanuts are rich in calcium, magnesium, manganese, and phosphorus. Especially the kind of almonds, green beans and pistachio which is the best source of calcium.

4. Vegetables. These include broccoli, cauliflower, and beets should be routinely consumed every day to build strong bones.

5. Yeast. Yeast has at least 330-350 milligrams of calcium per 100 grams dry weight.

6. Dates. Like eating dates? The good news for you. For the date source of calcium and magnesium, which increase bone density of your body.

7. Fruits, such as oranges, guava, strawberry, and pineapple. These fruits provide vitamin C which can strengthen bones. Do not forget the bananas and apples.

8. Dark green vegetables are one osteoporosis-fighting foods. But beware spinach. Because it turns inside there oxalates which turned out to prevent the absorption of calcium by the body.

9. Eggs. In addition to protein, eggs are also one of the foods that contain vitamin D naturally.

10. Omega-3. You can find it in pumpkin seeds, flaxseed, or fish oil. In addition to osteoporosis, omega-3 is also going against rheumatism and joint pains.

11. other calcium food, such as orange juice, soy beverages, tofu products, and starch. Everything is the best source of calcium to fight osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis healthy food intake should be balanced with regular exercise, the body is exposed to sunlight, especially ultraviolet light for 5-15 minutes / day. Routine physical activity also prevent bone weakening. Therefore do not be lazy to pick up the stairs instead of using elevators in buildings. And living a healthy life.

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